Bi-State Math Colloquium S21
* click on talk title to view abstract
Loras College talks are given 4:00-5:00 pm (central time) (click title for link to abstract)(click on date for link to virtual talk)
UW-Platteville talks are given 4:00-5:00 pm (central time) (click title for link to abstract)(click on date for link to virtual talk)
Date Day Speaker Where From Title
Feb. 11 Thursday Prof. Dan Swenson Black Hills State University Apportionment in the United
Zoom Meeting ID 987 2215 9168, Passcode 851139 States House of Representatives... and the Chi
Square Statistic?
Feb. 19 Friday Dr. Tim Chartier Davidson College March Mathness
Zoom Meeting ID 835 8812 0868, Passcode MathTalk
Links mentioned in Dr. Chartier's talk:
March MATHness: https://marchmathness.davidson.edu/
Ranking for the World Cup: https://fifafoefun.davidson.edu/
Downloading data: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ibha79yqnh7aba/lecture16%20-%20downloading%20data.pptx?dl=0
Feb. 25 Thursday Cassidy Krause University of Kansas The Mathematics of Predicting the
Zoom Meeting ID 917 6890 3133, Passcode 368799 Future (kind of)
Mar. 5 Friday Dr. James Sellers University of Minnesota Cool Results Involving Fibonacci
Duluth Numbers and Compositions
Zoom Meeting ID 831 0290 2720, Passcode MathTalk
Mar. 11 Thursday Prof. Sam Scholze UW-Eau Claire Signal Reconstruction from Frame Erasures
Zoom Meeting ID 985 6313 0792, Passcode 618082
Mar. 19 Friday Lukas Wilke Loras College Hearthstone: Mathematics and Deckbuilding
Zoom Meeting ID 812 3887 5727, Passcode MathTalk
Mar. 24 Wednesday Paiton Lawrence Loras College Using Contestant's Behavior and Personality
Zoom Meeting ID 899 0307 2399, Passcode MathTalk to Predict Successs in Survivor
Mar. 26 Friday Jon Rutan Loras College Finding Patterns in Shidoku Puzzles
Zoom Meeting ID 880 2914 2135, Passcode MathTalk
Mar. 31 Wednesday Katie Carpenter Loras College Ranking Colleges Using Google PageRank
Zoom Meeting ID 859 6018 5407, Passcode MathTalk
Apr. 8 Thursday Prof. Barb Barnet UW-Platteville Influential Points, Leverage Points,
and Outliers
Zoom Meeting ID 923 5735 3392, Passcode 000732
Apr. 22 Thursday Prof. James Swenson UW-Platteville Peer Editing, Orbits, Graph
Zoom Meeting ID 934 6711 2761, Passcode 088499 Factorization, and my Trivia League