Bi-State Math Colloquium S24
* click on talk title to view abstract
If a talk has a Zoom link, the date will be underlined. Click on the date to follow the link.
Loras College talks are given 4:00-5:00 pm in Hennessey 350
UW-Platteville talks are given 4:00-5:00 pm in Boebel 104
Date Campus Speaker Where From Title
Feb. 8 UW Plattteville Angela Kohlhaas Loras College Visualizing Fractal Sequences: Thue- Zoom Meeting ID 965 9721 6578, Passcode 162330 Morse and More
Feb. 22 UW Platteville Rob Calcaterra UW Platteville Solutions to Problems Posted by
Zoom Meeting ID 965 9721 6578, Passcode 162330 the MAA
Mar. 7 UW Platteville Clem Jeske UW Platteville Pascal's Squirrels
Zoom Meeting ID 965 9721 6578, Passcode 162330
Mar. 21 UW Platteville Camille Schuetz UW Platteville Rational Points in a Quadrilateral
Zoom Meeting ID 965 9721 6578, Passcode 162330
Note: there are audio issues at the start of the recording, but they are eventually resolved.
April 11 UW Platteville Katie Volz and Tony Kaseman UW Platteville The Mathematics of Juggling
Zoom Meeting ID 965 9721 6578, Passcode 162330
Note: this colloquium will be held in Doudna 103
April 12 Loras College David Moens Loras College Exploring the Quaternions: A Journey into
the Complex World of Rotations
April 25 UW Platteville James Swenson UW Platteville Antiderivatives of e^{-x^2} are not
Zoom Meeting ID 965 9721 6578, Passcode 162330